Sunday, 8 May 2011

Evaluation Question 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is our protagonist, Amy Stone who's look who influenced by the Orphan.

This is a picture of Isabelle Fuhrman who plays the protagonist in Orphan. We wanted to compare our protagonist to her as both her hair colour and costume influenced us into choosing the costume and hair style we chose. The white dress shown here resembles the one that we use in our thriller. The conventions of white against the dark character is perfect for our target of confusion and the illusion of innocence.
             In other shots the girl wears a ribbon. The ribbon portrays to the audience that the 'young' girl is innocent until we discover she it far from it. In our thriller we chose to use this idea yet using a red ribbon to represent danger underneath the pure and innocent girl. In the picture also, the girl is holding a dress which indicates that maybe she is older then she seams through likeness of fashion at a young age. In our thriller we chose for the girl to be holding a teddy bear which justifies her innocence which then helps the story line unravel itself.

Kayleigh Bolton who's look was influenced by Flight Plan.    
This picture is of Jodie Foster who plays the part of a mother who has lost her daughter.
We wanted to compare Kayleigh's character to  Flight Plan as although in our storyline, it is the mother who has actually gone mad as apposed to Flight Plan where they try and make her think that she has gone mad. Jodie Foster wears regular clothes and so do the people who abduct her daughter which makes the film all the more thrilling as you don't expect the villains to wear ordinary clothes.

As you can see in this picture, she is wearing ordinary clothing consisting of a ordinary top and trousers. The hair colour is also similar to Kayleigh's which goes against the tradition of a thriller on our part as the villan usually has black hair but in our case it is the other way around making the thriller more shocking.

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